Police chiefs plan to issue a Taser to every officer after brave PC was forced to confront the London Bridge terrorists with a baton

‘Rookie police officers could be handed Tasers under an urgent review ordered in the wake of the London Bridge terror attacks.
Currently, only those with two years’ experience are allowed to carry the powerful electric stun guns. The rule meant brave PC Wayne Marques was forced to confront the three knife-wielding terrorists with just a baton during the atrocity last month that left eight dead and dozens wounded.
Now, as a result of his ordeal, chief constables are urgently reconsidering the restriction and it will be discussed at a top-level meeting next week. Some police leaders say the change is desperately needed because younger officers are usually those in harm’s way on the front line.’
Read more: Police chiefs plan to issue a Taser to every officer after brave PC was forced to confront the London Bridge terrorists with a baton 

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