Polish President says he will veto bills aiming to put the Supreme Court under control of the ruling party

‘The President of Poland has said he will veto two contentious bills that are widely seen as assaults on the independence of the judicial system.
The planned legal overhaul by the ruling party has sparked days of nationwide protests.
Andrzej Duda said he would veto two of three bills recently passed by politicians.
One would have put the Supreme Court under the political control of the ruling party, giving the justice minister – who is also prosecutor general – power to appoint judges.
Mr Duda said that the country’s justice system as it works now is in need of reform, but he said that the changes that lawmakers had proposed threaten to create an oppressive system and that the protests of recent days show that the changes would divide society.
He said that there is no tradition in Poland for a prosecutor general to have such large powers and he would not agree to that now.’
Read more: Polish President says he will veto bills aiming to put the Supreme Court under control of the ruling party

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