‘Pure madness’: Macron’s plan to put up thousands of migrants in government-bought hotels across France is met with backlash because towns ‘can’t cope’ as 600 return to Calais

‘President Macron’s plan to transform 62 hotels across France into migrant shelters have been met with backlash from officials.
Mayors and police unions slammed the plans over fears towns with smaller populations could be ‘filled with hundreds of single men’.
Mr Macron has vowed to clear migrants of France’s streets by the end of this year and ensure those awaiting asylum are housed and not sleeping rough.
In an bid to alleviate increasing tensions and to halt the creation of new camps following the destruction of the Jungle in Calais last year, all migrants will be offered housing, said President Macron.’
Read more: ‘Pure madness’: Macron’s plan to put up thousands of migrants in government-bought hotels across France is met with backlash because towns ‘can’t cope’ as 600 return to Calais

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