Russia retaliates over new US sanctions

‘Russia retaliated Friday for new sanctions from Washington by announcing it would seize US properties and demand a reduction in American diplomatic staff, according to reports.
The Kremlin took the tit-for-tat action in the wake of the US Senate vote to slap new financial sanctions on Russia, Iran and North Korea over President Trump’s objections.
The bill awaits the president’s signature.
Russian officials said the US Embassy in Moscow and consulates in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok must cut the number of their “diplomatic and technical employees” to 455 by Sept. 1, the Washington Post reported.
That staffing level would equal the number of Russian diplomatic staff in the US.
The Russian Foreign Ministry also said it would seize a Moscow warehouse and recreation complex used by the American Embassy.’

Read more: Russia retaliates over new US sanctions

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