San Diego police let dog repeatedly attack handcuffed black man

‘The video showing a San Diego, California police officer’s canine aggressively biting and shaking an African-American man who was in handcuffs and face-down on the ground has caused outrage on social media.
The suspect was left with a large open wound after the dog pounced on him and bit him. The officer issued no command to stop the attack.
“This K-9 officer had no control of his K-9. There is something definitely wrong with this picture,” Facebook user Angel Nuñez, who posted the video, said in the captions.
The disturbing video shows the canine latching onto the man’s arm for at least 30 seconds, while one officer appears to attempt to pull the dog off, and two other officers hold down the man’s legs.’

Read more: San Diego police let dog repeatedly attack handcuffed black man 

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