Saudi Arabia has ‘no intention’ of bombing civilians in Yemen, says head of kingdom’s aid agency

‘Saudi Arabia has “no intention whatsoever to bombard or kill civilians” in Yemen, according to the head of the country’s foreign aid agency.
Dr Abdullah al-Rabeeah, supervisor general of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KS Relief) says he sees no conflict between bombing a country while claiming to be its biggest aid donor.
The United Nations and humanitarian groups have accused Saudi Arabia of possible war crimes in its air campaign supporting President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi’s government.
The Saudi-led coalition’s air strikes are responsible for more than half of 13,000 civilian casualties, according to UN figures, as well as worsening hunger crisis and the world’s worst cholera outbreak.’
Read more: Saudi Arabia has ‘no intention’ of bombing civilians in Yemen, says head of kingdom’s aid agency

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