Saudi Arabia major foreign sponsor of extremism in UK: Think tank

‘A British think tank says Saudi Arabia is the main sponsor of extremism in the UK, urging a probe into sources of the money being injected mainly by the Riyadh regime into the institutions promoting radicalism in the European state.
In a report released on Wednesday, the Henry Jackson Society said Saudi Arabia has, since the 1960s, sponsored a multimillion-dollar effort to export the radical Wahhabi ideology across the Islamic world, including to Muslim communities in the west, adding that foreign funding for extremism in Britain mainly comes from the Saudi kingdom.
In the UK, the report said, the funding “has taken the form of endowments” to institutions, which have played host to “extremist preachers and the distribution of extremist literature.”
“Influence has also been exerted through the training of British Muslim religious leaders in Saudi Arabia, as well as the use of Saudi textbooks in a number of the UK’s independent Islamic schools,” the report said.’
Read more: Saudi Arabia major foreign sponsor of extremism in UK: Think tank

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