Size matters? Framing of Macron’s extra-large official portrait ‘could cost €2.7million’

‘French President Emmanuel Macron’s official portrait has yet again become a heated topic of internet and media discussion, after a local official calculated the hefty sum it would take from local budgets to frame the new leader’s outsize picture.
The French president’s official portrait had only just slipped out of the public eye over its style and contents, but now finds itself back at the center of attention after the sizing format of the picture caught people’s attention.
The new portrait is a few centimeters bigger than those of Macron’s predecessors, meaning French municipalities may have to spend more than €2.7 million (US$3.1 million) to frame it, according to Romain Senoble, the mayor of the commune of Forges, Seine-et-Marn.
The official had reportedly posted his calculations on Facebook, before the mayor of Montereau-Fault-Yonne, James Chéron, took to Twitter to share the possible hefty budget burden.’
Read more: Size matters? Framing of Macron’s extra-large official portrait ‘could cost €2.7million’

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