Soon we’ll wear fitness trackers INSIDE our bodies: Amazon report on future technology says there could also be devices to translate barks and miaows from dogs and cats

‘Pet translators, implanted fitness trackers and virtual shelves to show off digital downloads of music and TV will be popular tech products of the future, new research claims.
Online retail giant Amazon commissioned the report to mark the launch of its Shop The Future online store of tech products – including 3D printers and augmented reality glasses – having taken predictions from futurists on tech trends in years to come.
Their predictions for new products included communication devices that could understand and translate the different barks and miaows from pets, while the concept of “simplexity” will become part of how people shop – using voice activation and artificial intelligence to make previously complex tasks simple, the report said.’
Read more: Soon we’ll wear fitness trackers INSIDE our bodies: Amazon report on future technology says there could also be devices to translate barks and miaows from dogs and cats 

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