Standing room only? Budget airline boss wants to remove seats for passengers

‘Passengers could soon find that it’s standing room only in the cabins of their budget airliners – that’s if VivaColombia founder William Shaw gets his way.
The idea of removing seats so that passengers can stand on short-haul flights has been mooted for years. Now, the CEO of the Colombian airliner is hoping to finally get the plan off the ground.
“There are people out there right now researching whether you can fly standing up – we’re very interested in anything that makes travel less expensive,” Shaw told the Miami Herald.
“Who cares if you don’t have an inflight entertainment system for a one-hour flight? Who cares that there aren’t marble floors… or that you don’t get free peanuts?”
Just how Shaw’s marble-furnished plane could get off the ground is anyone’s guess, but he is not the first airline boss to try and make cattle class travel even more crammed.’
Read more: Standing room only? Budget airline boss wants to remove seats for passengers

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