‘Stop, EU’: Giant anti-migrant message ploughed into Italian field

‘A large-scale piece of crop art intended to send a powerful message on the migrant crisis has been ploughed over on a field near Verona, Italy.
Impressive aerial footage of the land art which depicts a vessel with the word ‘Africa’ next to a vertical line reading ‘Stop, EU’ was captured Saturday in Castagnaro.
The artwork also includes the phrase ‘Ius Soli No’ beneath the vessel – a reference to the proposed nationality law which would grant Italian citizenship to second generation immigrants born in the country.
Currently, the children of immigrants must wait until they are 18 to apply for Italian citizenship. This new law would grant citizenship to foreign babies born on Italian soil and to children who have spent at least five years in the Italian school system.’

Read more: ‘Stop, EU’: Giant anti-migrant message ploughed into Italian field 

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