Supercharge Your Metabolism

Review by Sharon:

I would love to eat what I want I am able to…

Finally made myself read this book after reading parts here and there for a month! I started the diet 2 weeks ago and have lost 12 lbs! I am not hungry. Although, I would love to eat what I want I am able to control my cravings. I still have a lot of weight to lose but this is a good start! I recommend you read the whole book before you begin!

Review by VB Susan:

Best diet EVER (& I’ve been on all of them).

Usually when you read “you won’t be hungry on this diet”, it is a big, fat lie. I lost 9 pounds in a month, but more importantly, I wasn’t hungry and wasn’t miserable.

The only thing that I disagree with the author on is that you shouldn’t have sweet recipes (even stevia, etc.). All of the other books & video authors that I’ve read have been OK with stevia, erythritol, monk fruit, etc. Learning to make my favorite desserts with keto-friendly sweeteners has been a pleasure that I never thought I’d experience, as I’ve spent my entire life fighting with sweet tooth.

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The post Supercharge Your Metabolism appeared first on LewRockwell.

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