Swedish PM replaces Ministers in data leak scandal, averting early polls

‘Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven has sacked two cabinet members amid a political crisis over the leaking of critical data in a failed IT outsourcing deal in his bid to avert the option of calling for early polls.
Responding Thursday to the major scandal, Lofven replaced his cabinet ministers of infrastructure and interior instead of having to hold snap election over a year ahead of schedule, though he kept his defense minister in place, despite demands by opposition parties for his dismissal.
“I have to take responsibility for the country. It wouldn’t serve Sweden to throw the country into a political crisis,” he emphasized during a press conference, pointing to many challenges currently facing Sweden and the European Union, including Brexit.
The political crisis involves the handling of data under a 2015 outsourcing agreement between the Swedish Transport Agency and IBM Sweden as Lofven admitted earlier in the week that the nation and its citizens had been exposed to risks by potential leaks of sensitive information.’
Read more: Swedish PM replaces Ministers in data leak scandal, averting early polls

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