Syrian army and Hezbollah attack terrorist positions in border areas

‘The Syrian army and resistance fighters with Lebanon’s resistance movement have launched a joint operation against Takfiri militant groups in border areas between the two countries.
The operation, which started on Friday, is targeting terrorists in the Juroud Arsal area on the outskirts of the Lebanese town of Arsal, and in areas of the western Qalamoun mountains in Syria, a Syrian commander told Reuters.
Nearly 3,000 militants, two-third of which are from Daesh and al-Nusra Takfiri groups, have been using the barren area in the mountains between Syria and Lebanon as a base to organize attacks inside Syria.
According to Hezbollah’s al-Manar TV, the offensives in Juroud Arsal and in areas near the Syrian town of Fleita target militants with the Takfiri Jabhat Fateh al-Sham terror group, better known as al-Nusra Front.’
Read more: Syrian army and Hezbollah attack terrorist positions in border areas

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