The great exodus: As tens of thousands of migrants make their way across the Mediterranean while the EU tears itself apart over the issue

‘Before Britain helped to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi, he said that without a prosperous Libya, the migration of Africans to Europe would be uncontrollable. Today, he seems to have been proved right.
After his killing in 2011, Libya’s oil-rich economy collapsed, to be replaced by a lucrative people-smuggling trade which sends fleets of boats across the Mediterranean carrying illegal migrants who have paid sky-high fares for the ‘privilege’.
So far this year, 85,000 have sailed from Libyan ports to Italy, with 12,000 arriving in the past week.
Many reach the island of Lampedusa, just 70 miles from the African coast, or find their way to Sicily. From there, they are processed and taken to holding camps across Italy from which many disappear and make their way north towards Western Europe.’

Read more: The great exodus: As tens of thousands of migrants make their way across the Mediterranean while the EU tears itself apart over the issue

David Icke – The Migrant Crisis – What needs to be said


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