The Secret of China’s Economic Miracle

China’s Belt and Road Initiative is unarguably the defining economic and political dynamic shaping the future of the planet, despite the howls of denial coming from the archaic Western press. Xi Jinping’s 2013 announcement of the Belt and Road Initiative took the world by surprise, but to Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, it was a victory in a forty year long fight to create a new international economic order. Bill Jones of EIR magazine tells the history of China’s economic miracle responsible for lifting 600 million of its citizens out of poverty (not to mention the millions more in countries working with the BRI), and the role of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche’s decades long promotion of a World Land-Bridge concept that paved the way for China’s initiative.
**Please note** Bill Jones’ is misidentified as the EIR Asia Desk Editor. His correct title is EIR Washington Bureau Chief.

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