The Susan G Komen Foundation has filed lawsuits against HUNDREDS of ‘mom and pop’ cancer charities for use of the word CURE

‘If you’ve ever bought something pink to support breast cancer, your money likely went to the charity Susan G. Komen For the Cure. It’s noble to want to help people who are suffering from such a devastating disease, but before you reach into your wallet next time, you might want to take a closer look at just how the foundation is spending their – and your – money.
Their list of questionable practices is long, but one of the most controversial ways they use donor money is to file lawsuits against well-meaning Mom-and-Pop charities that aim to raise money for cancer and other ailments.
One such charity, family-run kite-flying charity Kites for a Cure, found themselves on the receiving end of Komen legal action because of their use of “for a cure,” despite the fact that they were raising money for lung cancer research rather than breast cancer. They were also ordered by the foundation to never use pink in conjunction with fundraising efforts. Now bigger charities can bully smaller ones into not using entire colors? What is the point?
Kites for a Cure’s Mary Ann Tighe said the most upsetting part of the situation was the fact that Komen’s actions forced her to spend her time and money dealing with legal issues instead of raising money for cancer.’
Read more: The Susan G Komen Foundation has filed lawsuits against HUNDREDS of ‘mom and pop’ cancer charities for use of the word CURE

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