Theresa May denies suppressing report on Saudi terrorism funding to protect UK arms deals

‘Prime Minister Theresa May has shrugged off accusations that her government is ‘sitting’ on a report on alleged Saudi Arabian funding of UK extremists in order to protect diplomatic ties and lucrative trade deals with the Gulf kingdom.
Speaking in the House of Commons on Wednesday, the Tory leader dismissed claims the report had been shelved to cover up British arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
British weapons have allegedly killed civilians in the Saudi-led war in Yemen.
She also denied burying the findings of the report, completed in January, in order to spare the Saudi government embarrassment.
“It is absolutely nothing to do with that,” May told MPs.
“There is certain confidential information in the report which means it would not be appropriate to publish it.”
The denial came after Home Secretary Amber Rudd said the report, commissioned by former PM David Cameron in 2015, would not be published for “national security reasons.”’

Read more: Theresa May denies suppressing report on Saudi terrorism funding to protect UK arms deals

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