Theresa May’s Government could ‘come apart like a chocolate orange’ over Brexit, watchdog chief warns

‘Theresa May’s Government is putting a successful Brexit at risk by failing to show “active and energetic” leadership, the head of the National Audit Office has warned.
In an unprecedented intervention Sir Amyas Morse said Whitehall departments are being left to “struggle on their own” with the challenges of Brexit because of a failure of leadership and direction.
He said the Government could “come apart like a chocolate orange” unless departments are given more support, as he warned Mrs May that Brexit poses the “biggest challenge” since the Second World War.
Departments should not be left to decide which of the many projects they are in charge of to prioritise by themselves, the head of the financial watchdog added.’
Read more: Theresa May’s Government could ‘come apart like a chocolate orange’ over Brexit, watchdog chief warns

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