This ‘Tween’ YouTube Channel Clearly Caters to Pervs … and is Recruiting Young Girls Worldwide

‘The YouTube channel SevenSuperGirls features tween girls doing random stuff. However, it also appears to be custom-made for pedos. Even worse, the channel is recruiting young girls on the internet.
In my article entitled Something is Terribly Wrong With Many “Kids” Videos on YouTube, I described the numerous ways videos aimed at children can be toxic and disturbing. Unfortunately, that was only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. And that iceberg goes deep. And it stinks. It is basically a terrible iceberg.
A segment on the comedy show Tosh.O exposed a YouTube channel named SevenSuperGirls which contains thousands of videos featuring young girls doing “cute” things. In his segment, Tosh.O claims that he might have stumbled on to “something dark” while adding that those who watch that channel should “put on their pants and report themselves to the FBI”.’
Read more: This ‘Tween’ YouTube Channel Clearly Caters to Pervs … and is Recruiting Young Girls Worldwide

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