Tory chaos over tuition fees ‘U-turn’: MPs left stunned by Theresa May’s plan to slash costs to grab youth vote from Labour

‘Theresa May is ready to consider a dramatic U-turn on university tuition fees to woo young voters back to the Tory Party.
The bombshell move was signalled yesterday by her most senior Minister, Damian Green, who said a ‘national debate may well be needed on this huge issue’.
He said the Tories were doomed unless they reacted to the surge in support for Labour, especially among the young, and called on the party to ‘change hard’. Millions of students voted Labour following Jeremy Corbyn’s vow to scrap tuition fees, slashing the Tory lead.
Mr Green also hinted at a fundamental rethink in the Conservatives’ approach to capitalism amid criticism of its austerity policies, saying: ‘The discontent with capitalism since the 2008 crash, which is vaguely expressed as being anti-austerity, needs to be tackled head-on.’’
Read more: Tory chaos over tuition fees ‘U-turn’: MPs left stunned by Theresa May’s plan to slash costs to grab youth vote from Labour

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