Trump admits Mexico border wall will cover less than half of the 2,000-mile frontier

‘Donald Trump has conceded his much-touted southern wall along the US-Mexican border may end up covering less than half of the 2,000-mile frontier.
The US President said natural barriers such as rivers and mountains meant a man-made structure along the entire length of the border was not necessary.
He also said that some areas were so remote that a wall would not be needed. The finished project is unlikely to exceed 900 miles, he added.
Mr Trump’s comments, made on Air Force One as it flew from Washington to Paris, represent a significant row back on plans that became a central part of his election campaign.
He told reporters aboard the presidential jet: “You have mountains. You have some rivers that are violent and vicious.’
Read more: Trump admits Mexico border wall will cover less than half of the 2,000-mile frontier

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