Trump has no plans to visit UK in near future: White House

‘US President Donald Trump has no plans to visit the UK in the near future, although he may still change his mind, according to a senior US government official, rejecting reports that Trump was considering a quick visit to Britain next week.
British media reported on Monday that UK government sources had said Trump could stop by Downing Street at short notice after visiting his golf resort in Scotland in the next two weeks.
Deputy White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday that the reports were “not accurate” and there were no plans for Trump to visit British Prime Minister Theresa May this month.
Downing Street also rejected the reports. James Slack, a spokesman for May, said, “I am not aware of any plans for the president to visit the U.K. in the next few weeks.”’
Read more: Trump has no plans to visit UK in near future: White House

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