Trump Is Being Moved Aside So That Conflict with Russia Can Proceed

‘What is the Congress up to with their stupid bill that imposes more sanctions and removes the power of President Trump to rescind the sanctions that President Obama imposed?
Congress is doing two things. One is that Congress is serving their campaign contributors in the military/security complex by being tougher with Russia, thus keeping the orchestrated threat alive so that Americans denied health care don’t start looking at the massive military/security budget as a place to find money for health care.
The other is to put President Trump in a box. If Trump vetoes this encroachment on presidential power, Congress and the presstitute media will present the veto as absolute proof that Trump is a Russian agent and is protecting Russia with his veto. If Trump does not veto the bill, Trump will have thrown in his hand and accepted that he cannot reduce the dangerous tensions with Russia.
In other words, the bill is a lose-lose for Trump. Yet Republicans are supporting the bill, thus undermining their president.’

Read more: Trump Is Being Moved Aside So That Conflict with Russia Can Proceed

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