Trump’s Bombing Campaign In Middle East Has Already Killed At Least 2,200 Civilians

‘U.S. President Donald Trump is creating dozens of innocent casualties a day as he takes on the Islamic State in a bombing campaign in the Middle East risking to double the numbers his predecessor Barack Obama had according to Airwars a watchdog organization who did an investigation for The Daily Beast.
“Airwars researchers estimated that at least 2,300 civilians died from Coalition strikes overseen by the Obama White House—roughly 80 each month in Iraq and Syria,” The Daily Beast wrote.
As of July 13, the Beast estimated that more than 2,200 civilians have been killed under Trump’s coalition raids since he was inaugurated to be the 45th President of the United States. In under a year, Trump’s administration has killed an estimated upwards of 360 per month, or 12 or more civilians killed every single day.’
Read more: Trump’s Bombing Campaign In Middle East Has Already Killed At Least 2,200 Civilians

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