UK Citizens Will Now Be Forced to Identify Themselves Online Before Viewing Porn

‘In one of the most invasive moves by the state in recent history, the UK government will now require internet users to verify their identity before being able to access online porn.
In an Orwellian move — ostensibly made to ‘protect the children’ — the UK government is set to announce that by April 2018, people in the UK will have to prove they are 18 before being allowed access to porn websites. What could possibly go wrong?
As the BBC reported on Monday, websites will be legally required to install age verification controls by April 2018 as part of a move to make the internet safer for children.
If a porn site refuses to go along with this Orwellian move, they will be essentially banned from the internet by rules set out in the Digital Economy Act.’
Read more: UK Citizens Will Now Be Forced to Identify Themselves Online Before Viewing Porn 

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