US police arrest 155 people protesting against Trump’s healthcare bill

‘Dozens of protesters have been arrested in the United States while holding a sit-in against President Donald Trump’s proposed healthcare bill.
Police in Washington, DC, said around 155 demonstrators were detained inside three Senate office buildings on Wednesday.
The demonstrators were angry over plans to repeal former President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare bill, commonly known as Obamacare, without offering an immediate substitute plan, report said.
“Please Sen. Toomey! Please don’t kill me!” the protesters yelled outside the office of Republican Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania. “Shame! Shame! Shame!”
The protests came hours before Vice President Mike Pence was due to tour Capitol Hill on Wednesday night to encourage Republican lawmakers to reach agreement on repealing or overhauling Obamacare.’
Read more: US police arrest 155 people protesting against Trump’s healthcare bill

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