Vice-chancellor of one of Britain’s lowest-ranked universities says his £227,000 pay isn’t enough… because he didn’t get a free house

‘The vice-chancellor of one of the lowest-ranked universities has said his £227,000 salary is not enough – because he does not have a free home.
Craig Mahoney of the University of West Scotland complained his lack of a grace-and-favour property means he has nowhere to ‘entertain’ guests and hampers his work.
He said his six-figure salary is not enough to cover the costs of a suitable home.
His comments come after universities minister Jo Johnson called for the endless ‘upwards ratchet’ of vice-chancellor pay to be linked to performance. UWS is ranked 100th out of 129 in the Complete University Guide.’
Read more: Vice-chancellor of one of Britain’s lowest-ranked universities says his £227,000 pay isn’t enough… because he didn’t get a free house

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