Washington, Tel-Aviv and Riyadh Colluding to Escalate Conflict in Syria and Beyond

‘As Washington’s hyperbole and aggression in Syria increase in line with their frustration at being out-smarted and out maneuvered at every turn by a battle hardened Syrian Arab Army, we see exposed, the soft underbelly of Riyadh. Tel-Aviv and Washington’s unholy alliance and its even unholier geopolitical agenda in the region.
Lines are blurred between the US overworld rogue state and its underworld terrorist proxies on the ground, committing atrocities on a daily basis against the SAA and the Syrian people on behalf of the three main protagonists in this expansionist war. Distinctions are harder to make between the war crimes and International law violations by the US & Israel in the ‘overworld’ and the bloodthirsty, quasi-satanic exploits of Riyadh’s ‘Orcs’ in the underworld. For each of these slavering, rapacious states, Iran is the ultimate prey and Syria is the bridge to a global conflict that would threaten the existence of our planet.’

Read more: Washington, Tel-Aviv and Riyadh Colluding to Escalate Conflict in Syria and Beyond

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