‘Welcome to Hell’: Huge ‘militant left’ bloc expected at G20 protests, Hamburg police warn

‘Hamburg Interior Minister Andy Grote warned that far-left activists are planning to camp out and cause disruption at the upcoming G20 summit.
Speaking to the public broadcaster ZDF on Tuesday, Grote said that the “the militant far left” were trying to “to organize the biggest black bloc of all time” at the G20 summit, which Hamburg is due to host on July 7 and 8. ‘Black bloc’ protests are often linked with the anarchist movement and can descend into violence, as during a riot at a G8 summit in 2007 which left over 400 police officers injured.
“But the police are prepared,” said Grote, as quoted by the Local.
“Protest camps are permitted, but not camps in which people stay overnight.”
Activists had previously challenged the city of Hamburg in court over whether they can set up portable toilets and shower facilities in the camps. The court ruled that while setting up camps is a legitimate act of political protest, police are within their rights to forbid overnight camping on public land.’

Read more:  ‘Welcome to Hell’: Huge ‘militant left’ bloc expected at G20 protests, Hamburg police warn

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