Western Media Disinformation on Mosul. Raped and Destroyed, not Liberated as falsely Claimed

‘A neocon/CIA-connected Washington Post report is one of numerous examples. It lied, claiming America’s defeat (sic) of ISIS in Mosul shows how it how it can succeed militarily in the Middle East.
In numerous articles on Mosul, I discussed US aggression, Pentagon terror-bombing, indiscriminately massacring countless thousands of civilians, blasting Iraq’s second largest city to rubble.
It no longer exists. A scorched earth wasteland replaced it. Rebuilding, if done, could take decades and cost tens, maybe hundreds of billions of dollars.
Naked aggression without mercy was waged, a humanitarian disaster created, affecting hundreds of thousands of city residents.
Mosul was raped and destroyed, not liberated as falsely claimed. Washington supports ISIS. Most of its fighters were redeployed last year to Syria.’
Read more: Western Media Disinformation on Mosul. Raped and Destroyed, not Liberated as falsely Claimed

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