White House leaks must stop or ‘everyone is getting fired’, warns new coms chief Scaramucci

‘The new White House communications director has promised to take “drastic action” to prevent leaks from the Trump administration, warning, “they’re going to get fired” if the leaks do not stop.
Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Anthony Scaramucci told host Chris Wallace he was willing to enforce hardline reforms of the White House’s communications department – and would even be willing to “pare down the staff.”
“I think it’s not fair to the president, it’s actually not fair to America or the people in the government,” Scaramucci said.
“I’m not going to be able to stop the leaks in the intergovernmental agencies and all that other stuff, that’s a different ball of wax. But something is going on in the White House that the president does not like and we’re going to fix it.”
Pressed to elaborate on his pledge to cut down staff, Scaramucci said, “As far as I’m concerned, it’s a new start for everyone in [the communications] team. Everyone on that team can stay if they follow protocol against the leaks.”’
Read more: White House leaks must stop or ‘everyone is getting fired’, warns new coms chief Scaramucci

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