Why is Mahmoud Abbas letting children die in Gaza?

‘The deeply unpopular Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas is helping Israeli occupation authorities inflict horrendous suffering on people in the blockaded Gaza Strip, as part of a cruel and cynical political game.
It is a campaign that in recent weeks has led to the deaths of more than a dozen Palestinians denied medical treatment outside Gaza – the most recent, a little girl called Yara Ismail Bakhit.
Israel and Abbas are doing this with the complicity of a so-called international community that remains silent about the unfolding catastrophe.
Closely allied with Israel, Abbas has long defined collaboration with its occupation forces as a “sacred” duty.
This collaboration has included encouraging Israel, from the very start, to tighten its blockade of Gaza.
The decade-long siege has brought the 2 million residents caged into the territory to perhaps their most dire crisis in a period that has included successive military assaults that have killed thousands of people.’
Read more: Why is Mahmoud Abbas letting children die in Gaza?

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