Witch-hunt in 2017: People suspicious of evil powers burn widow’s house in Russia’s Far East

‘A 26-year-old woman with a child has been left homeless in the Sakhalin region after fellow villagers, accusing the widow of witchcraft, allegedly burnt her house, Russian media report.
Varvara Genatulina, whose husband committed suicide at the age of 38, has been accused of being responsible for the man’s death by neighbors in the Pobedino village.
Somehow, the suspicious villagers have also connected two other suicides in their community to the woman. They say, in 2004 a boy who went to school with Genatulina, killed himself. Recently, another local, whom the woman is said to have known, also committed suicide.
After the funeral of the latter, the widow was proclaimed a witch, and her house was burned to the ground. The fire wasn’t an accident, but arson, one of the locals, Oleg Vnukov said.’
Read more: Witch-hunt in 2017: People suspicious of evil powers burn widow’s house in Russia’s Far East

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