5 Stories You’re Missing While the Media Hypes a Nuclear War With North Korea

‘This week, many Americans are more terrified of North Korea than usual, with some scrambling to buy supplies in case of a nuclear apocalypse as at least one local government offers advice to residents on how to survive a blast. Though Americans are unsure about Trump’s approach to North Korea, a majority agree that the country is a serious threat as much of the media repeatedly hammers home just how dangerous the situation has become.
But amid round-the-clock coverage of the threats hurled back and forth between and Kim Jong-un, others stories continue to break. Though these stories may be garnering slight attention in the mainstream conversation, they are drowned out by the North Korea narrative. That’s because the media loves a good feeding frenzy, especially when it comes to potential death and annihilation from an external threat.’
Read More: 5 Stories You’re Missing While the Media Hypes a Nuclear War With North Korea

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