As a general rule: Trump administration adds another military general to civilian leadership

‘President Donald Trump’s administration has appointed a slew of former US generals to his cabinet and to lead executive agencies. Now, another military man is being brought on board, this time to direct the federal prison system.
On Tuesday, former Army General Mark S. Inch was announced as the new director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP).
“General Mark Inch has served this country at home and abroad for 35 years,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who announced Inch as the new BOP chief, said in a Department of Justice statement.
“As a military policeman for nearly a quarter of a century and as the head of Army Corrections for the last two years, General Inch is uniquely qualified to lead our federal prison system.”
The Trump administration has appointed many other generals to high-level posts. There is former Marine Corps General James Mattis as defense secretary and former Marine Corps General John Kelly as the new White House chief of staff, after serving briefly as homeland security secretary.
Trump’s national security advisor Army Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster replaced Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn. The National Security Council chief of staff is retired Army Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg.’
Read more: As a general rule: Trump administration adds another military general to civilian leadership

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