Banker Tells Africans That GMOs Are Magic And Fairy Dust

‘Recently, investment banker David S. Levin was given the platform of CNBC Africa to tell African readers why GMOs are a wonderful thing that they should accept post haste. His piece is a “A New York investor’s view of Africa and other emerging economies.”
As you read the following quote from it, tell me what you think the intended age of his target audience was when as he was writing the op-ed – three years old? Five?:
I’ve always loved a really good magic trick. The kind that makes you think to yourself, “there’s no way he did that…” A few years ago, I went to one of those over-the-top, magic shows in Las Vegas while I was on vacation. During the performance, the magician did this trick where he took a fluffy, white rabbit and put it into his black top hat. He showed the audience the inside of the hat first to prove that it was completely empty. Then, once the rabbit was inside, he put the hat on a table that was on-stage with him, waved his hands above it, mumbled some magical, mumbo jumbo, and then presto, one by one, proceeded to pull out ten or so beautiful, white doves.
How did he do that???
Well, in a lot of ways, that magic trick was kind of like what genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are to farming. Because GMOs are also magical. They’re transformative. And they work…’
Read more: Banker Tells Africans That GMOs Are Magic And Fairy Dust

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