British company hired by US military to train Afghan officers blew $50million on Bentleys, Aston Martins and fat cat salaries for bosses’ wives

‘A British company hired by the US military to train Afghan intelligence officers spent $50million on high-end cars and paying the bosses’ wives six-figure salaries.
According to a Pentagon audit, which was made public on Wednesday, New Century Consulting, blew $42,000 on automatic weapons.
The firm billed the US government for Porsches and an Aston Martin and also paid the ‘significant others’ of the firm’s top executives six-figure salaries – despite there not being proof they did any work.
New Century Consulting – founded by Colonel Tim Collins OBE – provides ‘bespoke and cost-effective’ military skills and specialist police training around the world.
In 2015, it was under criminal investigation and faced questions over a £116million US contract to train Afghan security forces in counterinsurgency. The company denied any wrongdoing.’
Read more: British company hired by US military to train Afghan officers blew $50million on Bentleys, Aston Martins and fat cat salaries for bosses’ wives

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