Bulldozing London’s beloved Latin American market will ‘ethnically cleanse’ area, traders tell RT

‘The planned demolition of Britain’s largest Latin American market to make way for luxury shops and apartments puts hundreds of livelihoods at risk and will tear the heart out of the community, a campaign group warns.
London Mexico Solidarity (LMS), part of a wider coalition to stop the demolition of the ‘El Pueblito Paisa’ market, told RT that shutting the community hub would be disastrous, as it supports people who would otherwise be left “out on the streets.”
Multinational property developer Grainger wants to level the market and surrounding area, which consists of up to 120 shops, to make way for a modern shopping center and high-end properties.
Haringey Council issued a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) back in October 2016 to push through the redevelopment plans.’

Read more: Bulldozing London’s beloved Latin American market will ‘ethnically cleanse’ area, traders tell RT

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