‘By no means for peace’: China accuses India of massing troops & supplies amid border dispute

‘India is creating infrastructure and deploying a large number of troops on its side of the border at the disputed area in the Himalayas, China’s foreign ministry has said, adding, that Delhi’s actions indicate it’s not interested in a peaceful resolution of the standoff.
The impasse between the neighbors and BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) partners began on June 18, when Indian troops were sent to the strategic Doklam valley, which separates India from Bhutan. Delhi said the move was necessary to curb Chinese road construction on the Himalayan plateau, which, according to the India, violates the status quo.
Beijing, which views Doklam – or as it calls it ‘Donglang’ – a part of Chinese territory, has accused India of breaching an internationally recognized border.
“Over one month has passed since the outbreak of the incident. The Indian border troops still illegally stay in the Chinese territory. Moreover, the Indian side is building roads, hoarding supplies and deploying a large number of armed forces on the Indian side of the boundary,” Geng Shuang, the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said.
Read more: ‘By no means for peace’: China accuses India of massing troops & supplies amid border dispute

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