Call To Stop Using Africans As GMO Guinea Pigs

‘The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa is calling for an immediate halt on imports to South Africa of Monsanto’s high-risk second-generation gene-silencing GM maize meant for human consumers.
African Center for Biodiversity reports:
In an open letter to African biosafety regulators, AFSA rejects and condemns US corporation Monsanto’s plan to exploit millions of Africans as unwitting human guinea pigs for their latest genetic engineering experiment. AFSA also condemns the IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture) field trial application in Nigeria using this same risky technology to produce GM cassava for the agro-fuels industry.
These GM applications target staple foods of maize and cassava, eaten by many millions of Africans every day. AFSA’s open letter states, “Scientists have reported that the untested gene-silencing effect is able to cross over into mammals and humans, and affect their genetic makeup with unknown potential negative consequences, and have called for long-term animal testing and stronger regulation before this goes ahead.”’
Read more: Call To Stop Using Africans As GMO Guinea Pigs

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