Canada working to handle surge in refugee arrivals from US

‘Soldiers busily assemble tents with wooden floors, lighting, and heating in Canada’s Quebec Province near the US border to temporarily house a surge in asylum seekers from the United States.
Children run between rows and rows of the military green tents as their parents line up to speak with immigration officials and file refugee claims.
Throughout the day, school buses drop off dozens of people at a time at the makeshift tent city in Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Quebec. They walked across the border with suitcases in hand, before being picked up by federal police, who deliver them here.
Eventually, the newcomers will be transferred to Montreal or a government facility in Ontario Province, where officials will help them find more suitable accommodations while their claims are considered.
Security prevented media from speaking to any of the tent city residents.’
Read more: Canada working to handle surge in refugee arrivals from US

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