Chavez’s brother among eight new Venezuela officials sanctioned by US Treasury

‘The US has imposed sanctions on eight Venezuelan officials, including the brother of the country’s late president Hugo Chavez, in connection with last month’s elections in the country.
The US Treasury website notes that Frias Chavez is a member of Venezuela’s Constituent Assembly and Secretary of Venezuela’s Presidential Commission for the Constituent Assembly.
The US has added the eight new names to the list of officials who were sanctioned last month, including Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro for their roles in the Constituent Assembly elections which the US called “illegitimate.”
Venezuela held the elections following months of street protests and clashes in which more than 100 people have died. Despite the violence and opposition boycott, over 8 million people participated in the process by casting their votes for the 545 candidates who will be empowered to draft a new constitution.
“I am proud of the alleged sanctions… because I do not wag my tail like a lying dog,” Maduro said after the sanctions were announced. “I am punished for defending the natural resources of Venezuelan lands.”’
Read more: Chavez’s brother among eight new Venezuela officials sanctioned by US Treasury

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