‘Children killed on spot, woman’s legs torn off’: Afghan witnesses say 10 killed in US airstrike

‘Witnesses of an alleged US airstrike in Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar Province told RT that at least 10 civilians, including five children, were killed and a woman was crippled in the raid which Pentagon claims had “zero chance” of hurting civilians.

Mohammad Khan, a witness of the attack in the Haska Mena district in the Nangarhar Province, allegedly carried out by a US aircraft on Thursday evening, told RT’s Ruptly video agency that he saw 11 people being transported in a vehicle following the airstrike. Of these, 10 died as result of the US airstrike and a woman was severely wounded, he said, adding that “her legs were torn off.”’

Read more: ‘Children killed on spot, woman’s legs torn off’: Afghan witnesses say 10 killed in US airstrike

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