Chilling face of the future: As train companies say they’ll use facial recognition technology to replace tickets… how the technology could strike at our right to privacy

‘There are few sights more dispiriting than a long queue at ticket offices or machines when you’re rushing to catch a train. However, technology is now offering an ingenious solution.
A facial recognition system is being developed that uses two invisible, near-infrared lights flashing at high speed to help a single camera capture a 3-D image of a face in astonishing detail.
It will register the smallest details, down to tiny blemishes and wrinkles, and can recognise individuals even if they are wearing glasses or moving quickly along a platform. The image can then be checked against a customer database.
Such a system could potentially dispense with the need for tickets as passengers, their faces already scanned in a registration process, could pay by online account.’
Read more: Chilling face of the future: As train companies say they’ll use facial recognition technology to replace tickets… how the technology could strike at our right to privacy

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