China will NOT intervene if Kim Jong-un attacks America, but will step in to prevent a strike aimed at North Korea if Trump moves first, Chinese state media warns

‘China will intervene if America attacks North Korea first, according to a state-owner paper, and will only stay neutral if Kim Jong-un attacks the US first.
An editorial in the Global Times, warned that ‘China should also make clear that if North Korea launches missiles that threaten US soil first and the US retaliates, China will stay neutral.
‘If the US and South Korea carry out strikes and try to overthrow the North Korean regime and change the political pattern of the Korean Peninsula, China will prevent them from doing so.’
The warning comes amid escalating tensions between the US and North Korea.
Pyongyang has warned it plans to launch a nuclear strike on Guam after President Trump announced that any more threats against the US would be met with ‘fire and fury’.
Pentagon chief James Mattis issued his own warning among the increasingly aggressive rhetoric, telling Kim Jong-un that he risks destroying his regime and his people if he attacks.’
Read more: China will NOT intervene if Kim Jong-un attacks America, but will step in to prevent a strike aimed at North Korea if Trump moves first, Chinese state media warns

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