Chinese tourists arrested for Hitler salute in Berlin

‘Two Chinese tourists were detained in Berlin for making the straight-armed Hitler salute for photos in front of the Reichstag parliament building, a police spokeswoman said on Sunday.
The holidaymakers were spotted by officers on a routine patrol Saturday snapping smartphone pictures of each other posing with the banned gesture outside the historic landmark in the heart of the German capital.
“A probe on suspicion of using the symbols of anti-constitutional organizations was opened against the two Chinese men, aged 36 and 49,” the spokeswoman told AFP.
The pair were questioned at a local police station and released after paying 500 euros ($589) bail each.
Using the symbols of anti-constitutional organizations, a charge frequently levelled against members of far-right groups, can carry a sentence of up to three years in jail sentence or a fine.’
Read more: Chinese tourists arrested for Hitler salute in Berlin

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