Chinese troops set to patrol remote border area after India standoff

‘China says its troops will continue to patrol a remote Himalayan border region after resolving a months-long military standoff there with India.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a regular press briefing in Beijing on Tuesday that the forces would continue to be stationed in Doklam plateau.
“I’ve said that Chinese border troops will continue to be stationed and patrol in Doklam and we will continue to exercise our sovereignty according to historical conventions,” media outlets quoted Hua as saying.
The spokeswomen, however, refused to disclose future plans for the road project that had triggered the confrontation on the remote area.
When asked whether Beijing would halt road building, she told reporters, “We’ll take into consideration all relevant factors, including weather, to make any infrastructure plans, including road building.”‘
Read more: Chinese troops set to patrol remote border area after India standoff

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