Condemning Israeli Occupation and Illegal Settlements Is Not, and Never Has Been, an Anti-Semitic Reference

‘To allege ‘antisemitism’ is a bogus defence to a 10 year illegal blockade of essential goods against 2m civilians in Gaza; the illegal settlement of 600,000 Israelis on to Palestinian land; the razing of Arab villages, their homes and olive groves – and is a deliberate deception to cover the criminal acts of an undeclared nuclear-weapons state, (armed and funded by a lobby-controlled US Congress), that is arguably the greatest threat to world peace since WW2.
Its undeclared arsenal is estimated to contain up to 400 nuclear warheads, plus a fleet of German-built, nuclear-armed, Dolphin-class submarines, sufficient to destroy the entire Middle East and most of Europe. Yet the Israeli government continues to defend the indefensible by cries of ‘antisemitism’ that have intimidated European governments to bring in legislation to defend Jewish communities as a result. Meanwhile the occupation and illegal settlements in the Occupied Territories, continue unabated, as does the consequential criticism against those who support such criminal activity.’
Read more: Condemning Israeli Occupation and Illegal Settlements Is Not, and Never Has Been, an Anti-Semitic Reference

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