Court orders new trial in satanic sacrificial murder case

‘Kentucky’s highest court has ordered a new trial in the infamous satanic killing case in which two men were convicted of sacrificing a 19-year-old woman and spent some 22 years in prison.
On Thursday, the Supreme Court of Kentucky vacated Jeffrey Dewayne Clark and Garr Keith Hardin’s convictions, ordering a new trial after DNA evidence from the 1992 murder was tested with modern technology.
The new DNA analysis showed the single hair found on Rhonda Sue Warford wasn’t Hardin’s and the blood-stained rag found in Hardin’s room, wasn’t from a sacrificial ritual, but rather from Hardin cutting himself on a chalice’s jagged edge.
“This is such a glorious day,” said Vickie Howser, Hardin’s sister, to AP. “After 22 years, it is so about time for him to have a decent life. They took his life away from him for something he did not do.”
Hardin’s girlfriend, Rhonda Sue Warford, was 19 when she left her home in Louisville after midnight on April 2, 1992. She was found dead 50 miles away in Meade County three days later with multiple stab wounds.’
Read more: Court orders new trial in satanic sacrificial murder case

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